Can I attend a Parish Council meeting?
Yes! Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings. There is a standing agenda item for public participation. You are able to attend the meeting in part or in full.
How do I contact Dean Parish Council?
Please see our contact section for full details. All enquiries and correspondence should be made through the Clerk to the Parish Council.
Can I read meeting minutes?
All meetings are minuted. Minutes are reviewed and accepted as an accurate record at the subsequent meeting at which point they will be publically available.
Where can I find the meeting agenda?
Meeting agendas are available on both the website and village notice boards.
When and where do meetings take place?
The meetings take place every two months commencing in May each year. All meetings take place at the Kirkstile village hall in Dean with the exception of the January meeting that takes place at the village hall in Eaglesfield.
What does a parish council do?
A parish council is a civil local authority which is the lowest tier of local government. They are elected corporate bodies, with variable tax raising powers, and they carry out beneficial public activities in geographical areas known as civil parishes.
How is the council funded?
Parish councils receive the majority of their funding by levying a precept upon the council tax paid by the residents of the parish (or parishes) covered by the council.
Do parish councillors get paid?
No, it is an entirely voluntarily role, with the exception of the Parish Clerk.